Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To tweet or not to tweet...

I have been hesitant to use Twitter for several reasons however I took the plunge today and started to tweet. Below are the three main reasons why I did not open a Twitter account.

1. Is twitter a fad?
Technology is always evolving and was not sure if Twitter was a fad or something that would be around into the future. I read about how most people open an account and tweet a handful of times and never tweet again but I have also heard of some people tweet all the time. After I joined twitter I was surprised at how much information was available.

2. What can you really say in 140 characters?:
I initially thought "not much" since most people write without limit on blogs and can write on facebook too. However, my view changed this week when I saw how it was used after the protested elections in Iran. In 140 characters, people were getting the message out concerning the Iran elections. My main concern is that messages can be anonymous and therefore can lead to abuse of a medium.

3.Most of my friends don't use Twitter, do I really need a Twitter account?
I thought since most of the people I deal from day to day don't use twitter, most of my friends were not on Twitter. However, when I joined, there were a few friends who I had not spoken to in a while that actually use it. It was good to see what they were up to.

I have tweeted and can now be found at @dimitrymorales on Twitter.

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